Vlana Ltd - образовательный оператор в Англии

Английский в Англии Образование в Англии Образование в Великобритании
Английский в Великобритании Английский язык в Англии Английские языковые школы
Обучение в Англии английскому языку
Курсы английского языка Английское образование Обучение английскому языку в Лондоне
Учеба в Англии
Университеты в Великобритании
Колледжи в Англии Курсы английского языка в Оскфорде Образовательная программа в Англии
Получение образования в Великобритании
Русская версия



About English company Vlana Ltd 

We provide thorough assistance and consultancy in collaboration with your chosen course of study within a British university, college or school of further or higher education. Then we help you with the application process providing you with invaluable advice and insight before you go to study in Great Britain. One of our many advantages to you is that all of our initial consultancy, support and assistance during the registration process to an educational establishment are entirely free of charge. Tuition and accommodation fees, which remain the same for all international students, will be paid directly to your chosen educational establishment. All of our fees for the services we provide come directly from the Educational institution; this does not have any affect on the amount of money you pay for fees or accommodation. Also, as previously mentioned, you do not have to pay or provide us with any monetary fees for our services as they are free to you. 

Therefore, it means that you will pay exactly the same amount of money, whether you apply by yourself, or with help from us. Our goal is to assist potential students from Russia to gain a valuable British Education.                    

In addition, we offer a wide range of other services, for which you will have to pay for, however, they are not essential or mandatory and they will not affect or influence your studies.  Our company Vlana Ltd is registered and located within Britain, therefore, you can rely upon our competent and impartial advice in order to aid your stay and study in Great Britain.       

This sets us apart and makes our services exclusive in comparison to many other agencies.  We personally meet and collaborate with figures of the international offices within your Educational Institution which makes it possible to contact them personally and directly if necessity dictates. In order to dispel any doubts concerning our authority and legitimacy you can contact your desired educational establishment to make the relevant enquiries. Alternatively, you can ask us to provide proof of our Agency Certificates provided to ourselves from Educational Foundations. 

Our Company Vlana Ltd has also managed joint learning courses and programmes from British and Russian Universities. We can make arrangements for special programmes and courses that are provided by a British University, to the employees of large and medium sized companies.            

We, collaborating with British educational establishments, offer:

  • English language for various purposes, for work and employment, entering University (IELTS preparation and examination), for general communication, English language courses for the individual or family that would like to compliment their visit to Britain with the benefit of learning another language. Also English courses are provided for businessmen and women, business managers, young professionals, lawyers, bankers, secretaries and personal assistants, engineers, public sector employees, for mature adults of 50 and over, Christmas course; training for the Tourism Industry. You can take group course or individual, or you can benefit from the combination courses that combine the advantages of both individual and group tuitions. You have the opportunity to learn English on E-learning Courses or by Distance Learning units.    
  • GCSE
  • International Foundation Programme and A-level
  • Undergraduate Courses (Bachelors Degrees)
  • Postgraduate Courses, Master Courses (MA, PhD, Pre-MBA, MBA, DBA, L.L.M.)
  • Distance Learning Programmes
  • Courses for teachers
  • Typical short courses for employees of large and medium sized companies
  • The assistance in creating the partnership of English and Russian Educational Establishments in organising joint courses and programmes for students and/or staff. These courses could be supplied in Great Britain or Russia that is at the discretion of Universities.
  • Courses, joint programmes, training courses which could be designed for the companies’ needs by British Universities. In other words, large and medium sized companies of CIS can order the courses in compliance with its' personnel requirements.


Great Britain waits for you!

      We are happy to help you to make the best choice!        


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Registered address of the company:
c/a REAH & McBRIDE Suite 2B North Sands Business Centre Liberty Way, Sunderland SR6 0QA
Telephone: +44.755.270.88.91
Телефон визового отдела в Москве +7.495.979.08.61

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